Communicating to your families that your school offers a curbside meal pick-up program is an essential part of the process. We have put together several communication materials for your school to use to spread the word about the curbside meal pick-up program available to students. Together, we can ensure every child has access to the meals they need to succeed academically, on-site or remotely.
Below is a list of the communication materials we have made available to your school, along with our recommendation of their use.
Curbside Meal Pick-Up Flyer
Description: This flyer has been customized and sent to you by your SLA Area Manager. It reflects the schedule (date and times) of curbside meal pick-up service available at your school. We have provided an editable version of this flyer for you to use at your discretion.
Recommended Use: Post on school website, send out in parent email blast, include in newsletters, and print for handout at orientation/front office.
Description: This survey will help us plan and prepare the number of meals needed by determining how many families plan on participating in this meal pick-up program.
Recommended Use: Please reference the survey distribution instructions below for the survey link and detailed information about sending it out.
Description: This video takes the place of our usual in-person appearance at your Orientation/Open House. It covers important food service program information.
Recommended Use: The link to this video can be posted on your school website, included with your digital orientation materials, or shared on social media. Copy the link below.
Description: These graphics can be used on your school social media platforms to announce curbside meal pick-up dates, with the specific schedule in the post.
Recommended Use: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and any other platforms that allow graphics (i.e. ClassDojo, Remind, Edmodo, etc.)