Coronavirus Reponse:
What SLA Management is doing to reduce the impact of COVID-19

As we closely monitor the progression of COVID-19, SLA Management has taken every proactive measure to ensure the safety of the students, families, and communities we serve. We are maintaining constant and consistent communication with all of our employees and school contacts to ensure we are up-to-date on information regarding all current/future response plans.

All of our employees are receiving and following the precautions and guidance’s issued by the CDC and other Federal and State Agencies. We encourage everyone to read the recommended procedures, released by the CDC, detailed below. Click here to read the entire document.

Keeping Everyone Safe

Encourage your staff, faculty and students to…

PRactice good hygiene

  • Stop handshaking – use other noncontact methods of greeting
  • Clean hands at the door, and schedule regular hand washing reminders by email
  • Promote tap and pay to limit handling of cash
  • Disinfect surfaces like doorknobs, tables, desks, and handrails regularly
  • Increase ventilation by opening windows or adjusting air conditioning

Avoid crowding

  • Use booking and scheduling to stagger customer flow
  • Use online transactions where possible
  • Consider limiting attendance at larger gatherings
  • Consider adjusting or postponing gatherings that mix between classes and grades
  • Adjust after-school arrangements to avoid mixing between classes and grades
  • When possible, hold classes outdoors or in open, well-ventilated spaces

handle food carefully

  • Limit food sharing
  • Ensure cafeteria staff and their close contacts practice strict hygiene (currently enforced by SLA)

stay home if...

  • You are feeling sick
  • You have a sick family member in your home

We are following this situation very closely and will continue to provide updates. Your safety, the safety of the communities we serve, and the safety of your families is our top priority as we continue to respond to the rapid developments.